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for two voices and live-electronics

In the piece I work with sounds of the voice without using text or words and trusting that each sound produced by the voice is rich in expression. The material of the piece is worked out in a systematic way to achieve a certain structure. In the beginning the unvoiced sounds do not reveal who is behind the voices. The voices seem to reflect each other. Gradually they start to explore different sounds that reveal their voice colour and the reflection is gradually broken. The electronics create a barrier between the performers by filtering the spectrum in various ways and somehow alienating the sounds of the voice. 

The piece can be performed with any combination of voice types.

First performance at VocalEspoo festival in Black Box, Helsinki Music Center on September 22nd 2022.​

Tuuli Lindeberg, soprano

Taavi Oramo, tenor

Thorkell Nordal, live-electronics

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